
Are you ready to face a tax audit?

VAT fraud causes France to lose nearly 20 billion euros every year. Knowing that each year, VAT accounts for nearly half of tax revenues, the State has made the fight against VAT fraud its banner call and has even created a new tax police service. Through these efforts, in 2019 alone, 9 billion euros were […]

fiskaltrust. Nous avons les bonnes solutions

Self-attestation with fiskaltrust: Why? For whom?

In order to fight against VAT fraud, French law requires for all cash register software and systems to comply with the ISCA conditions (inalterability, security, data retention and archiving). Therefore, it is mandatory to prove its conformity by a certificate issued by a government accredited body or by an individual attestation from the software publisher […]

Deconfinement: Phase 2

In light of the improved health situation in France, the government launched the second stage of deconfinement yesterday. Travel, reopening of cafés, bars and restaurants, parks and gardens, gradual resumption of cultural and sporting life, preparation of holidays… Phase 2 of the deconfinement will take place from 2 to 21 June 2020. Since yesterday, France […]

Commerçants : appréhendez le déconfinement sereinement

Merchants : apprehend deconfinement serenely

On May 7, the Government  announced that all stores could reopen on May 11, provided that they guarantee the safety of employees and customers. Are all stores really concerned? What are the measures to be applied for a reopening? fiskaltrust takes stock to help you apprehend the deconfinement serenely and thus restart your activity with […]

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