
Understanding New Mandatory Invoice Details: new details of the e-invoicing  

The mandatory information on invoices in France includes key details such as the seller’s and buyer’s identities, invoice date and number, product or service descriptions, pricing, applicable VAT rates, and payment terms. New requirements from September 2026 include adding the client’s SIREN number, and specifics about goods or services, among others. Failure to include mandatory […]

France’s Transition to Mandatory Electronic Invoicing: Government Support for Businesses Throughout the Rollout

The French government is rolling out mandatory electronic invoicing for companies starting in September 2026, aimed at enhancing business efficiency and compliance with VAT requirements. The transition will happen gradually, with large and intermediate companies required to issue and receive electronic invoices first, followed by smaller companies by September 2027. Over 70 platforms have been […]

Adjustments to the Electronic Invoicing Calendar:

Introduction:  The country is gearing up for a crucial step in modernizing its tax practices with significant adjustments to the electronic invoicing calendar. These modifications, outlined in paragraph 3 of the legislation, aim to provide businesses with a smooth transition to this new management method while strengthening the fight against tax fraud. This article closely […]

Fiskaltrust Middleware open-source news

Open-sourcing of our Middleware  2023 is a turning point for us, as we finally were able to fully the fiskaltrust.Middleware, a strategic decision that was made years ago. With this step, we want to work even more closely with our partners by forming an Open-Source community, and together collaborate on the future of the Middleware […]

E-Invoicing in France: A Look at the New Start Date and Its Implications

E-Invoicing in France: Exploring the Revised Implementation Date and Its Consequences Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of fiscal reform and technological advancements, e-invoicing has been a topic of discussion and anticipation in France. The initial plan to introduce e-invoicing in July 2024 had been eagerly awaited, but as is often the case with ambitious changes, […]

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