
Newsletter 03/2023

Dear fiskaltrust partners, Digital receipt is postponed due to inflation  In an interview given to “Le Parisien” on Sunday 26th of March, Olivia Grégoire, Minister Delegate in charge of Small and Medium Enterprises, Trade, Crafts and Tourism, explained that because of the inflation crisis in France, many citizens wish to be able to see exactly […]

It is high time to fiscalize your cash register!

The law on cash register security has already been in force for four years and still the majority of cash registers are not compliant. Until now it was and still is not such a big problem. But times change, the world keeps turning and what is not a concern today can become a very serious […]

Tax archive: what exactly is required by law?

As a taxpayer you are obliged to archive the data recorded by your POS software or cash register system. Are you wondering what this legal requirement is and how to implement it? fiskaltrust goes into detail about what the law requires and explains how to comply with the current legislation.

Your password is secure, but what about your POS system?

Nowadays it should not be necessary to talk about password security. It goes without saying to have a secure password (sufficiently long, with upper, lower case letters, special characters and numbers). Also, changing the password regularly has already become second nature to us. But what about a cash register, how secure does it have to […]

Compliance is easy, but staying compliant is less so

Who doesn’t want to work within the framework of the law? The Damocles sword of governmental sanctions cannot be the status quo! And when it comes to taxes, the state is very precise in its expectations and on the other hand, it is still very confusing. And in any instance, with POS systems, it is […]

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By clicking on "Accept", you agree to the use of cookies to improve your browsing experience, and to allow us to keep track of your visits. In order to continue to improve the protection of your personal data, we have updated our privacy policy. READ MORE

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