On January 18th 2024, the French Ministry of Finance published a press release about the e-invoicing reform.
Main information is first the clarification of the agenda:
Under the terms of article 91 of the December 29, 2023 Finance Act no. 2023-1322 for 2024, deployment will take place :
- September 1, 2026 for large and mid-sized companies; all companies will be required to be able to receive dematerialized invoices by this date;
- September 1, 2027 for small and medium-sized businesses and microenterprises.
And also the first list of the potential candidates as “Platforme de dématérialisation “(PDP), which has been published.
Sources :
More details here minefi.hosting.augure.com/Augure_Minefi/default.ashx?WCI=EmailViewer&id=%7Bf54360f2-814a-4def-9195-42641cf3835a%7D