Why the digital receipt ?
As we know, the digital receipt preserves the environment and is good for the wallet, especially thanks to the savings made on printing paper. During this year, the French public authorities will implement the so-called “anti-waste” law, which implies that from August 1, 2023, offering digital receipts will become mandatory.
However, fiskaltrust’s digital receipt does not simply replace the paper receipt, it enriches it by adding new functionalities and all this without an additional application, although the use of third-party applications is also possible. Our partner ReceiptHero is a perfect example.
Thanks to fiskaltrust, it is also possible to freely choose the style and mode of display or presentation of the digital receipt.
Whether through a direct scan at the point of sale or via a small attention to the customer in the form of a give-away which also serves as a support for the QR code of the digital receipt: with fiskaltrust, you have both options and you can use them as you see fit.
USP of fiskaltrust ́s digital receipt
- No app needed
- Available in different ways: Screen towards the customer or give-away
- Optimal use of the virtual space of the receipt: advertising, customer comments, etc.
- Access to the network of fiskaltrust partners: automatic sending of the proof via ReceiptHero
Digital Receipt Features
- Live consumer feedback and comments
- Availability of advertising space
- Usable in wallet applications
- Rewards and loyalty opportunities with our partner ReceiptHero
- Distribution of give-aways as an emotional vector of the customer experience
- Subsequent use in third-party apps, e.g. for billing expenses or storing receipts