
E-commerce: The VAT anti-fraud measures of the PLF 2020

E-merchants get ready: the draft for 2020 finance law has been presented to the Council of Ministers and contains several measures related to VAT, including some to fight against VAT fraud in e-commerce. In order to adapt, as soon as possible, to the European directive of December 5, 2017, the government wants to compel e-merchants […]

Self-Attestation or Certification: What to choose?

Do you want to make sure your POS system or cash register complies with tax regulations, but you don’t know where to start? This article will certainly help you! As you probably already know, staring from January 2018, all POS software, cash registers and other payment systems must be secured and must meet the conditions […]

Conformité caisse enregistreuse : Les conditions requises

Cash register compliance: The requirements

Audits by French Tax Administration have started! As you know, since January 2018, all cash register software, cash registers and other cash register systems must be fiscally secured.  What does this mean for POS manufacturers, POS software creators and large companies?  fiskaltrust has summarized the conditions for you that are required to bring your cash register […]

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