Do you want to make sure your POS system or cash register complies with tax regulations, but you don’t know where to start? This article will certainly help you!

As you probably already know, staring from January 2018, all POS software, cash registers and other payment systems must be secured and must meet the conditions of inalterability, security, data storage and archiving of data enforced by law.

The first thing to do is to make sure that your software meets all the legal requirements.

You can then prove your compliance in one of two ways:

– Individual attestation from the publisher of the concerned accounting/management software or cash register system;

– Certificate issued by an accredited body under the conditions set out in Article L.433-4 of the Consumer Code.

Note that if you have more than one cash register system, you must have a Individual Attestation or a Certificate for each of your products.

But which solution to choose? fiskaltrust, can help you to see more clearly!

Individual (or Self-)Attestation:

This attestation must comply to a model set by the administration and must explicitly mention that the software complies with the conditions of inalterability, security, data preservation and archiving of the data provided.

The Attestation is individual, so it is not permitted to present the attestation of another party, even if they use the same versions of the software.

It must also indicate precisely the name and references of the software (including the version of the software concerned). The certificate remains valid for later minor versions of the software or system.

Setting up the self-attestation by yourself remains a very complicated process. Indeed, this involves many financial and individual investments to develop, test and maintain the functionality of your software, so that it remains compliant with the legislation in force.

It is also a risky solution because if, during a control of the tax administration, non-compliance is noted, you have only 30 days to prove your system is indeed conform with the law. If the non-conformity is confirmed, you are liable for a fine of € 7,500 per non-compliant cash register and to a systematic tax audit. You will have only 60 days to bring your POS system or cash register into compliance with tax regulations.

LNE or Infocert Certificates:

LNE cash register certification and Infocert NF525 certification are certifications issued by third party organizations mandated directly by Cofrac for the first one and by AFNOR Certification (itself also being mandated by Cofrac) for the second one.

The Certification allows you to demonstrate to the tax administration all data recorded by your POS system is secured, inalterable, well conserved and archived.

As with self-attestation, certification with either LNE or Infocert requires a lot of effort in developing, testing and maintaining your POS system. In addition, the requirements for obtaining certification can be more demanding than those required by law.

The certification process is long and expensive. You will have to create documentation and undergo different audits. You will certainly have to dedicate a team to follow the certification process in order to obtain and to maintain your certificate.

And why not make your life easier by using fiskaltrust services!

fiskaltrust offers tailor-made consulting services to help you certify your POS system. Whether you wish to certify your cash register software with LNE or Infocert, or to set up the individual attestation of the cash register software publisher; we have the solution for you!

Thanks to the integration of the fiskaltrust.Service into your system, you will meet the conditions of inalterability, security, storage and archiving of data made mandatory by the Finance Act for 2016.

Our team of experts is also here to advise you and assist you in the certification process. You will have only one point of contact and fiskaltrust helps you to create your file for certification, manages the relations with the different organizations, follows progress of the file, …

fiskaltrust is a partner you can trust! As a member of the NF RGPD Software and Club Access (leading the reflection on the NF 525 standard) committees, we put our expertise at your service so that you can focus on the heart of your business.

Contact us now!

Call us on +33 (0) 1 70 99 53 53 or send an e-mail to We look forward to discussing with you the solutions that fiskaltrust offers to help your business.