After more than a month of stikes, the Ministry of Economy and Finance has decided to assist the businesses which were badly affected. What does this mean for merchants? fiskaltrust takes stock to help make it clear.
The Ministry of Economy and Finance offers fact sheets directing any business to the appropriate contact and describing what the government can do to support and assist you.
For ease of reference, you can find the list of dedicated contacts on the site to help you in the following processes:
- Accelerate the refund of your tax credits (VAT)
- Postponement of your social security and / or tax deadlines (URSSAF, taxes)
- If necessary, analyse your situation and propose a plan to stagger your receivables with the support of the government and the Banque de France
- Obtain or maintain a bank loan via Bpifrance
- Fund of your employees through the partial unemployment mechanism
- Handle a conflict with your customers or suppliers
You can also carry out the procedures yourself or with the help of your accountant, on the following issues:
Problems with tax and social contribution payments
- You can ask the tax office of the companies to which you are linked for an accelerated refund of your tax credits (CICE, VAT).
- By explaining your difficulties to your collection agency, you can obtain a delay of payment for your social security contributions (URSSAF, supplemental retirement organizations, etc.) for the month of December 2019.
- In the event of financial difficulties, the Commission of Head of Financial Services (CCSF) can grant you delayed payment terms in order to pay your tax and social security debts (employer’s share).
- You can use the public accountant to obtain a settlement plan to spread out the payment of your tax debt. If your difficulties cannot be resolved by a staggering plan, you can request a partial or total reduction for direct taxes.
Cash-flow problems, credit repayment
- If you have problems with your requests for financing from your bank, credit mediation can intervene to ease your difficulties.
- Do you have loans guaranteed by Bpifrance? An extension of deadlines in the repayment of your loan can be granted on request to your bank.
Difficulties with your employees or risk of dismissal
- If you plan to place your employees in a state of partial unemployment, you can request partial activity from the DIRECCTE and thus receive an allowance funded by the government and the body in charge of managing your unemployment insurance scheme.
Conflicts with customers or suppliers
- You can call on Business Mediation, which offers a free mediation services, in order to settle any dispute related to the execution of a private law contract, including tacit, or a public order (ex: late payment, non-compliant services or goods…).
fiskaltrust facilitates the compliance and certification of your cash register. With our expertise, it will meet legal requirements!
Whether you are user, integrator or manufacturer, fiskaltrust provides secure taxation for cash registers.
Thanks to our tailor-made consulting services, we help manufacturers and publishers of cash register software as well as large companies to bring their POS software in compliance with French law.
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