In order to fight against VAT fraud, French legislation has required the certification of cash register software, cash register systems and other payment systems. 

Thus, since January 1, 2018, the law requires professionals to equip themselves in order to meet the conditions of inalterability, security, data storage and archiving of data (see the 2016 Finance Law published in BOI August 3 2016). 

Compliance with these conditions is demonstrated by a certificate issued by an accredited body (LNE or Infocert) or by an individual attestation issued by the software publisher. The software publisher must issue an individual attestation or request certification from an accredited organization. 

Certification of software and cash register systems can seem like a real “headache”. 

fiskaltrust makes compliance of your software or cash register system and certification easier 

A secure software component

fiskaltrust has developed a software component, which assists with the compliance of software and cash register systems, specifically by fulfilling the following requirements: 


· Preservation of the original data recorded, made unmodifiable a posteriori. 

· Any necessary modification is carried out by compensation (balancing is enabled by adding or subtracting to the original data, without altering the original data). 

· The integrity of the recorded data is guaranteed over time by a reliable technical process. 

Traceability and security of information: 

· The security is ensured by a reliable technical process, in order to guarantee and allow verification of the return of the data in the state of their original registration, as required by the regulations. This technique is call record chaining. 

The preservation and archiving of data: 

· fiskaltrust proposes to keep the settlement data used to establish the company’s accounting, for a period of ten years (only 6 years are required by law). 

· The fiskaltrust software component allows the archiving of recorded data at a regular intervals, with a maximum delay of one per year or per fiscal year. The purpose of the archiving procedure is to fix the data and render the date of the archived documents tamperproof. fiskaltrust provides a technical solution that ensures the integrity of the records produced over time and their compliance with the original settlement data from which they are created. 

· The archives can be easily read by the tax administration in the case of an audit. 

· This security is ensured by a reliable technical process, which guarantees and allows the verification of the return of the data in the state of their original registration, as required by the regulations.

A tailor-made consulting offer 

Certify a cash register software with LNE or Infocert, unblock a LNE or Infocert certification request that is deadlocked, or set up the individual attestation of the cash register software publisher; fiskaltrust offers tailor-made consulting solutions! 

fiskaltrust assists manufacturers and publishers of cash register software, as well as, large companies who create their own software, in securing the fiscalisation of their software and cash register systems to comply with tax regulations. 

From the integration of the fiskaltrust software component, management of relations with the different organizations, follow-up of the progress of the file, fiskaltrust offers a complete solution. 

The fiskaltrust team of experts is here to advise and assist you in the certification process, allowing you to focus on your core business. 

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